What's with the name?

What's with the name? In my mid-twenties, I had essentially gone through one kind of life and am starting to enter another. The people that are probably going to read this blog know exactly what I'm talking about - but for those who don't know, here's a brief rundown . Cheers to Chapter 2! A journey in health in many ways, and to be the best version of myself I can possibly be. I am also a blogger for GreenMommas.com. This is my blog.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The visuals : 4 months before/after photos

Lucky for me I convinced myself to do a 'before' photo at the start of our weight-loss competition. Once I received the 'before' photo in my inbox, I stared at it, I was mad. Surely the photo must have been accidentally stretched horizontally? No, it wasn't. I was angry. I closed it after about 30 seconds vowing it would be my motivator.

This morning (Day 133) I thought I was looking kind of cute before I left for work, so I said why not take a picture of myself in my full-length mirror. The picture I took this morning didn't look too bad, but I thought it wouldn't be a lot different than my starting photo. After all, I'm only about 30% through with my journey. I put the two photos side-by-side and got this:

Look! I have a chin and a neck! And a much smaller tummy. Seeing these two photos side by side made me, well, really proud. Sometimes I don't notice the little changes and get frustrated that I'm not seeing more results. Well, this is results people. The hard evidence : photos. I still am not entirely a fan of the way I look and know I have much farther to go, but honestly, look what I've done in 133 days! LOOK! [Starting to tear up a little right now]. And just for the record, I am still angry about that before photo. Super mad. But I started there, and committed to myself and look what happened. 

I promise there will be more progress photos to come!

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!!! Super great! Celebrate yourself for your commitment and your physical and mental metamorphosis!
